Solemn Commemoration of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ: Friday before Ash Wednesday

In anticipation of the Season of Lent, on the Friday before Ash Wednesday, Passionists celebrate the Solemn Commemoration of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Titular Feast of our Congregation.  On this Feast we contemplate the suffering and sacrifice of Christ, "the greatest and most overwhelming work of God's love" (St. Paul of the Cross)  We look to Our Lady of Sorrows and our Passionist Saints to teach us how to keep alive the memory of the Passion, as we remain with them at the Foot of the Cross.

"Happy is that person who, clothed with Jesus Christ and totally penetrated by his holy wounds, is entirely immersed and hidden in the immense sea of divine charity and there, detached from every created thing, rests in the bosom of the beloved Good!  The Lord does this divine work in humble souls who remain in interior solitude, even in the midst of the noise of this world's business." (From a letter of St. Paul of the Cross to Thomas Fossi, July 6, 1752)

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The Contemplative Passionist Life