Passionist Charism

CHARISM: Remembrance of the Passion

What is a Charism?

It is a free gift of the Holy Spirit for the sake of the whole Church; a particular way to conform our minds to the mind of Christ and to live intensely a particular aspect of His life. In this way, the religious give witness to a particular aspect of Christ's mystery.

To remember the Passion of Jesus Christ:

As Passionists, we are called to keep alive the Memory of Christ's Passion. We do not only recall it in our minds, but we render it present in our lives by living His self-emptying love in our daily lives for the salvation of souls. Passionists live intensely the Mystery of Redemption for the benefit of the whole Church and for all people.

How do we live the Passionist Charism?

Each Passionist Nuns monastery is a Calvary.  We remain with Mary at the Foot of the Cross to compassionate our Divine Bridegroom by our lives of virtue in solitude, prayer, poverty, and penance.  We surrender our lives to Jesus Crucified so that he can come and live His self-emptying love--His Passion--in us.  "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me" (Galatians 2:20).  In this way, the redemptive love of Jesus Crucified continues to radiate from the heart of the Church.

1 comment:

  1. My grandmother's cousin was a member of the Passionist Nuns of Pittsburgh. Her name was Sister Veronica. I believe she was the Mother Superior at one time.


The Contemplative Passionist Life